1 in 7 Americans Struggle with Hunger

1 in 5 Arkansans do

National Hunger Statistics

Although related, food insecurity and poverty are not the same. Poverty in the United States is only one of many factors associated with food insecurity. High unemployment rates or long periods of unemployment, less than gainful employment, limited household assets, the need to care of a sick child or older family member and certain demographic characteristics all contribute to a lack of access to adequately nutritious foods.

  • 65% of households served have children under 18 years old or a senior over 60

  • 20% of the households served have at lease one member currently serving in the military

  • 54% of households include at least one employed adult

  • 71% of served families with children have employed heads of households

  • 33% of served households have one or more members with diabetes; 47% of seniors have it


Together We Can Solve Hunger!